Folks of Fogo: Cheryl

Drum: Dobra

Pronouns: She/Her

Borough/City: Brooklyn

How long have you been a member of Fogo?

Since October 2023

When is the first time you heard or saw Fogo Azul?

I had been seeing Fogo seemingly everywhere for a year or so before I joined, the Dyke March and the Mermaid Parade are stand outs!

Why did you decide to join Fogo Azul? What was the catalyst?

I watched the Dumbo Drop performance from my office and chatted with a few drummers afterwards, as soon as I heard the words "You should join us!" I was in!

Did you have drumming or musical experience before joining Fogo? If so, what?

I played a few instruments as a kid and young adult, and still mess around on guitar and piano when the opportunity arrises, but never considered myself a musician.

As a drummer/musician, what do you enjoy about being in this drumline?

It is so much fun to be LOUD!

Outside of drumming, what you do enjoy about being a part of this community?

From my very first rehearsal, it really felt like I had made 130 new friends!

What do you enjoy most about the drum you play?

I love the extra choreography and all the different rhythms and patterns the Dobras play, it's been a fun challenge learning so much!

What are your top 2-3 favorite Fogo performances you’ve played in?

My most-loved gig so far was the NYC Marathon. The race is one of my favorite NYC events- I've run it a few times, and go out to watch every year, so it was extra special to get to play for the runners! I was also beside myself with joy marching in the Halloween Parade- I love a costume!

How has drumming with Fogo Azul benefitted you or enhanced your life?

Fogo Azul has been an outlet I didn't realize how much I needed- physically, creatively, socially- getting me out of my lingering post-pandemic funk and participating in communities and events I didn't know existed!

What do your friends and/or family think or say about you drumming with Fogo?

I really haven't shut up about Fogo Azul since becoming a member, and the reaction I get is always some version of "Wow! That's so cool!" Even after the 2nd, 3rd, or 20th time I mention it.


Folks of Fogo: Maya


Folks of Fogo: Marcia