Fogo Azul is always accepting new members, previous drumming experience is NOT required.
We strive to make drumming accessible to women, trans, and non-binary folks, taking beginners and give them the tools to drum. For thousands of years women were often relegated to dance while the men played the drums. Fogo Azul NYC is a space that caters to women, however trans and non-binary folks are welcome and included. We seek to bring music and dance to all communities regardless of ability to pay for our shows.
Learn to play drums with us! We are looking for well rounded people who understand group dynamics of a performance troupe. Drumming/music/dance experience is helpful, but not required!
The first step is to experience Fogo Azul.
Sign up to observe rehearsals to see what we do and attend an Aspiring Members workshop where you learn about the cultural roots of the music we play and master a few rhythms with the help of veteran Fogo Azul members.
A few details you should know. First and foremost, FogoAzulNYC is a band. Attendance at rehearsals and performances is required-if you’re unable to come to weekly rehearsals and shows, this may not be the space for you.
Currently, we rehearse inside public schools in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. We have rotating weeknight rehearsals, and sometimes rehearse on Sundays. Membership in Fogo Azul NYC is fun, however we do require you to have regular and consistent availability for rehearsals and performances. We have performances on weekday evenings and weekends, with some rare workday performances. Rehearsals are run in the traditional Brazilian style of repetition, there is no requirement to read music.
Being a member of a band requires everyone to work professionally with other adults, communicate effectively, and treat fellow band members with respect. We love celebrating our diversity and appreciation of each other for differences and quirks! We are a group of people working together and supporting each other to accomplish a shared goal: PERFORMANCES.
Please keep in mind that FogoAzulNYC does not function as a collective, nor through consensus-based decision-making. We are NOT a drum circle. There is one Artistic Director who is responsible for band decision making with input from the band as requested/offered, all in the best interest of the band.
FogoAzulNYC membership requires a $40 monthly fee per member to cover operational costs. You will be given a drum package: drum, sticks, and a belt on loan to use which will require a cash or check security deposit in the amount of $185 per drum package.
This will be placed in a secure bank account and will be given back, less $20 for surdo/dobra sticks and $10 per repique and snare sticks, upon leaving the band once, you return the equipment. This equipment is to be taken with you, and is your responsibility to maintain, clean, and take care of. Upon leaving the band you will have 7 days to return the drum, belt, and sticks. There may be special circumstances where you can use your own drum, belt, or sticks, however this will be on a case by case basis only.
These are NOT classes or lessons, they are focused rehearsals on the specific musical repertoire of Fogo Azul NYC.
Reliable internet access, a smart phone, and email address that you check DAILY is required for membership as our primary communication method is by email.